In the performance of our activities, we ensure the protection of occupational health and safety of our employees and all stakeholders.
In this approach, the focus is on prevention, from the conception and design stages of the services offered, with safety as a necessary prerequisite for achieving long-term objectives, including:
We are continuously striving to provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of occupational injuries and illnesses, depending on the specific risks present in the various operating environments.
With this in mind, we are committed to promoting the widest awareness of the most up-to-date skills in the field, so that safety is a common good for all those working in the production units.
The company supports the dissemination and consolidation of a culture of safety that, in compliance with EU, national and regional regulations, including voluntary ones, represent a benchmark for those who work daily in the company, and for those who come into contact with the company from the outside. The pursuit of safety is an absolute priority for our part of the railway system.
Consistent with the Group's safety policy, we are committed to:
We want to spread and entrench a proper safety culture at all levels, including through a structured analysis of human factors that may have a direct or indirect impact on the performance of the Management System.
Within the framework of the Integrated Management System - Occupational Safety Management System (OSMS), our company annually aims to improve the values of the following indicators, which are defined in the Integrated Policy:
a. frequency
b. severity
c. impact
as well as monitoring the impact of the human factor identified during accidents and near misses and/or after control activities.
In processes with an impact on occupational safety, we also adopt actions aimed at: